
Subscriber Tips and Best Practices

Thank you for registering on, the metal forming industry’s most established employment connection website. With your registration, you will have unlimited access to job postings and the largest database of tool & die professionals in the nation. In order to utilize to its fullest and most efficient use, we have provided the following Site Tips and Best Practices information below:

Employer Profile:

The Employer Profile, which you filled out as part of the Registration Process, provides prospective job seekers basic company data including company contact information, production processes, size, employee services offered and a Comment Section. The Comment Section is a great opportunity to provide a brief bio of the company:

Information that would be beneficial to include but not limited to:

  • Industries Serviced
  • Location(s)
  • Date established
  • Competitive Salary & Benefits statement
  • Engineering and Technical Support services (internal & external)
Job Postings:

Upon registration post your open positions immediately. Keep a file of the position requested and associated Job Number the system will generate, this will assist in future database searches. Your Subscription allows for unlimited job postings that can be added, deleted or edited anytime during your 1 year subscription term. Even after a successful hire you may wish to keep the posting active as there are usually multiple positions available or an individual the company cannot pass up may land in your lap. You will also want to keep any Job Seeker Profile E-mails in an electronic file for future consideration.

Both Registered Job Seekers as well as non-registered metal forming professionals can search the job openings, though only registered Job Seekers may see contact information. You may be contacted directly from through the web site or directly as your employer Profile will have several means of contact. We want to promote maximum exposure of your company’s opportunities. Please respond promptly to an inquiry to let the potential Job Seeker know you have received their information.

Data Mine the Job Seeker Data Base: is the largest database of tool & die professionals in the nation. As a Registered Company, you have unlimited access to the site database. The database can be sorted by Position (ie Die Maker Progressive, Die Designer, EDM Wire, Engineering, Management, Press Set-Up or Operator, Estimator, Quality or Machinist to name a few). The database can also be sorted by Region of the Country.

Each Job Seeker Profile is detailed with full contact information in most cases (e-mail access is available to the entire data base). Each job seeker Profile has specific skill-related information including Position Requested, Shift Availability, Types of Products Produced, Duties Performed, Equipment, Tool Room Support and plant equipment utilized, Software if applicable and tool steels they are familiar with as well as other information.

Utilize the Site E-mail System

Upon review of a Job Seeker Profile it is determined you or your staff would like to make contact with a tool & die professional in the database. To do this simply click on the option to “Send your job and company’s profile”. An e-mail is generated to that Job Seeker's which will include your Company and Job Profile encouraging them to make contact.

With your company subscription, you have unlimited access to the database and the ability to make unlimited contacts through the site e-mail system. Do not be afraid to make multiple contacts for a position or make several attempts to a specific Job Seeker Profile. We highly suggest keeping notes of Job Seeker Number contacted.

Our Best Practices Commitment to Your Company

As the leader in the metal forming connection field, you have our commitment to maintain the integrity of and its content. We are not an internet job site attempting to be everything to everyone. We review all new Job Seeker Profiles. If the profile is deemed not to be compatible with the skill sets required for the industry we retain the right to delete the profile.

Our staffs combined tenure in the metal forming industry exceeds 60 years ranging from the operator to management. We will make every effort to maintain a current database. We are continually contacting the database with updated information including new registered employers and job postings. In each of these contacts we ask that all Profiles be updated with skill sets and contact information. Profiles with non-deliverable e-mails are researched and if contact cannot be made deleted.

Our staff at is available to answer any questions – please visit the Contact Us link.