Ad Venue | Industry Specific |
Headhunter / Staffing Agency Postings |
Duration | Cost per Posting | Resume Search | Resume Cost |
Linked In | No | Yes* | 30 days | $195 per Posting | Yes | $1.00 Each |
Monster | No | Yes* | 60 Days | $395 per Posting | Yes | $390 7 day Search within 100 miles |
Zip Recruiter | No | Yes* | Monthly Subscription | $249 per month (3 postings) | Yes | Limited to 25 |
Indeed | No | Yes* | Monthly Subscription | Unknown - Cost per click. Based on package |
Yes | $1.00 each |
PMA/Metal Form Job Site | No | Yes* | 60 Days Unlimited 1 - Year |
$875.00 $5,615.00 |
Yes | $25.00 Each | | Yes | No | 1 year Subscription $750 Annual/$500 Renewal |
$0.00 Unlimited | Yes | $0.00 Unlimited |
Print Media | No | Yes* | Weekly/Monthly | Uneffective/Too Costly | No |
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